// IBAG Spindle Assembling & Test Field

New Spindle Assembling
All assembly and final testing of IBAG motor spindles takes place at the IBAG headquarters in Zurich. IBAG Switzerland is a modern facility, quality assured with a highly efficient workshop.

Conditioned Clean Rooms
To assure high efficient quality standards on each IBAG motor spindle the assembling takes place in conditioned clean rooms.

In advance to the assembling every motor spindle is commissioned, spindle parts are cleaned and inspected.

Test field
Every motor spindle IBAG produces undergoes a 48 hour in-house test to ensure all motor spindles meet our highest quality and confirm full functionality in accordance with the motor spindle protocol.

Motor Parametre Set
Our state of the art test field is controlled by a central SIEMENS control. For each motor spindle valid parametres can be selected, optimized and the test run can be operated.
In addition to our standard testing IBAG also offers the possibility to run a motor spindle on different converter systems like LTi, Heidenhain or Fanuc.
Even customer owned converters can be tested on request.